
I mean, if we only had a wheelbarrow, that would be something.

Archive for April 6th, 2006

daylight savings

Posted by Jason Wu on April 6, 2006

As a late riser, I like daylight savings. For your information, beginning March 11, 2007, Daylight Saving(s) Time will be extended another four or five weeks. It will now begin on the second Sunday of March and will last until the first Sunday of November. This change was introduced as part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. In theory (and only in theory) we’ll save more fuel since we basically get more daylight.

For those who think it’s like for farmers or some other myth, its not. It was first used for military purposes, first in WWI by Germans, and eventually by the US. It was later re-used in World War II. Its been on and off, and changed and tweaked. Its basically an attempt to save fuel, and energy consumption. Who knows if it really works. Logically, farmers will get up with the sun no matter what time you say it is, so I’m sure it doesn’t bother them too much except when they have to deal with customers and such.

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